NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Company for the Year 2019 will be held on the following date, and at the following time and place namely:-
Date: 28th February 2019 Thursday
Time: 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Place: Sky 100, Ritz-Carlton Hotel
International Commerce Centre
1 Austin Road West, Kowloon
The Council meeting agenda is as follows:
1. Report by the President:
i) Project – Hong Kong Brain Tumour Registry
ii) Proposal for the establishment of Asian Brain Tumour Registry
2. Report by the Honorary Treasurer, to receive and consider the Audited Financial Statements for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018
3. Election of the council members.
4. Research/Training sponsorship
5. Any other business.
For and on behalf of
Hong Kong Neuro-Oncology Society Limited
Jenny Pu
Dated: 29th January 2019
The AGM will be followed by the Scientific Symposium at 6:30 pm on:
“TTFields: A new modality
Makes changes of patient’s life”
Please see the attached programme and registration form
Dear all,
Please accept my sincere apology for this long overdue email to all the members of The Hong Kong Neurooncology Society since I was nominated to take up the baton from Dr. Stephan Yau as the president of Hong Kong Neuro-oncology Society. My special thanks to Dr. Yau for all his effort and contributions in the past years.
Attached, herewith, the society’s structure, mission and proposed resource income, together with the proposal of our first project – Hong Kong Brain Tumor Registry. I contacted the director of Cancer Registry Dr. Wong and to my very surprise, they compliled a pilot study from 2014-2016. In the discussion, we found that the input from doctors, particularly, neurosurgeons from different clusters to validate the codes and diagnoses would be very helpful and important. I, thereby, call for the assistance from different clusters to give a hand. In the private sector, the Cancer Registry has already been collecting tissue specimen for gliomas and they will, in a later phase, try to collect benign tumors as well. Thereby, the collaborations from the private neurosurgeons and oncologists will be utmost helpful.
I was honored to be invited to the business meeting of Asian Neurooncology Society Business Meeting 2018 in Beijing where I proposed the establishment of Asian Brain Tumor Registry. The idea was supported by the majority of the Asian neurooncology societies with enthusiasm. We all thought that it is about time to kick start a project that may take us to the next status level as the western neurooncology societies and meetings by collaborations.
The AGM will be on 28 Feb 2019. We have invited an overseas speaker from Mayo Clinic to update us on the latest development in treatment of glioma. And the sponsor may also provide a training session of the use of TTField Novocure Device for treatment of GBM. The council meeting will start at 6:00pm, followed by lecture at 6:30pm then dinner. The venue of the AGM will be at Sky 100, Ritz-Carlton Hotel. I am hoping to see the attendance of all the council members so that we can sign the financial document and discuss about the agenda in the business meeting before the lecture and training. I would also like to know the number of attendance that evening. Please kindly let me know so that I can prepare the venue.
With this email, I wish everybody together with your family a Happy 2019!
Best regards,
Jenny Pu
HKNOS President