Message from Hong Kong Shanghai Brain Consortium:
HSBC-Brain Tumors 2025
Dear friends in brain tumor research,
We are pleased to announce HSBC-Brain Tumors 2025, a multidisciplinary neuro-oncology conference to be held in Hong Kong for January 18-19, 2025. This is jointly organized by Hong Kong Shanghai Brain Consortium (HSBC), Chinese University of Hong Kong (Anatomical & Cellular Pathology) and Hong Kong Division of International Academy of Pathology (IAP). Please see website :
More eminent experts have now agreed to speak in the conference – Roger Stupp, Joerg Tonn, Stefan Pfister, Gelareh Zadeh, Torsten Pietsch, Chris Jones, Helen Shih, Linda Bi and still more to come. Please consider joining us in Hong Kong.
The conference will be modelled on SNO/EANO/ISPNO with education day, and oral and poster presentations and a program catering for folks from different disciplines, including neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologists, pediatric oncologists, neuropathologists, PhDs and students. Please feel free to forward this email and the links to your students and fellows.
A provisional program is now available and there are now 29 renowned speakers !! Please check them out at the website
Look forward to seeing many of you in Hong Kong.
K. Ng, Peter Shi, Danny Chan, Ying Mao
Chinese University of Hong Kong and Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai
For information : Miss Ching Chau,
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